“Elvis, will you be my boyfriend?” – A Trip to Western University

"Elvis, will you be my boyfriend?" - A Trip to Western University

wu_bl_mainI thought we would start Monday off on a bright note since my last couple posts have been on the not so bright side…

Last week, Elvis got to accompany some of the other Priceless Pet’s dogs to Western University as part of a “de-stressing” event for 1st year med students. This was great all the way around. The students got to take a break and hang out with the pups while the pups got out of the rescue to get some fresh air and socialize!

And you’ll probably never hear about this in the news but this was the 4th school in the past 5 months that Elvis has been able to visit. He’s been to 2 high schools, a school for kids with special needs and now a college. Yes, a “pit bull”, a breed that mostly only makes the news for negative and unfair breed stereotypes was allowed on ANOTHER campus to set an example for his breed. Of course, Elvis was a hit and most of the kids were bummed out that he was not available for adoption but Elvis did do his part in putting negative stereotypes to rest. I heard things like, “Wow, he’s so calm and friendly.” “I can’t believe he gets along with these smaller dogs and isn’t barking at them or trying to eat them.” “I think I want a pit bull now.” And then the ever famous, “Elvis, will you be my boyfriend?”

wu_bl_2I sit and watch him at the events and it gives me chills thinking that if Priceless Pets had not rescued him, or had found out about him a few hours too late, he would have been put down and we would have lost a GREAT ambassador to this breed.

I remember when I first got Penny, the neighbors were terrified. Then I got Elvis and people would scurry their kids into the garage. Some neighbors even stopped staying hi to me. I was mad, embarrassed, and felt bad for my pups. But instead of hiding, I kept working with them and kept walking them past my neighbors. Now, my entire block LOVES my dogs. In fact, they’re now known as the most well behaved dogs on the street and we can’t even walk down the street without people stopping us to say hi so their kids can pet them. I’m so proud of my dogs. I know we’ll never be able to change EVERYONE’S minds but Penny and Elvis sure do have a way of changing people’s minds every time someone meets them!
