Kurtis’ Diet

Kurtis' Diet

Today I thought I would give everyone’s tear ducts a break and talk about how I think Kurtis got well so quick!

People tend to give me a lot of credit for getting Kurtis back to health but I definitely didn’t do it alone! In fact, without the help of Priceless Pet’s very own, Ashlee Price, I don’t know that he would have gotten better so fast! Ashlee is all of 21 years old but she’s grown up in animal rescue so her experience goes far beyond her age.

You see, Kurtis was on antibiotics for quite awhile and results were progressing but they were very slow. It wasn’t until Ashlee suggested I start adding things to his diet that we really started to notice the difference in his health.

He was already eating Blue Buffalo but Ashlee took it a step further and had me add the following to his food. Keep in mind, this wasn’t all at once. In fact, I will run down exactly what he had later in the post.

diet_bl_5It consisted of apple cidar vinegar, plain yogurt, raw eggs, liver, brown rice and carrots! If it sounds like a lot of work to do this, it really isn’t. And if you look at Kurtis now I would say it’s worth the extra 13 seconds to prepare his food!

Kurtis’ Meal Schedule:

Monday and Thursday

1 cup of Blue Buffalo
One raw egg

Half cup Blue Buffalo
Capful of apple cidar vinegar

1 cup Blue Buffalo
Capful of apple cidar vinegar

diet_bl_3Wednesday & Sunday

Breakfast and Lunch:

Brown rice with liver and carrots

Tuesday, Friday, Saturday:

Replace raw egg with a tablespoon of plain yogurt

I’m telling you the transformation was amazing! And I have Ashlee to thank for all of that!! And no, your dog doesn’t have to be as sick as Kurtis to have this. I give Penny and Elvis apple cidar vinegar all the time! Amber, Lucy, Shadow, Charlie have also all been on it or still using it!!

Most of you don’t know this but she was my first choice for Kurtis. The day Kurtis got sick for the second time I was at the vet office with him. He was miserable and just had his head down while he was on the table. He heard Ashlee’s voice when she came in and this dog’s head perked up and he managed to wag his tail. Kurtis always had a thing for Ashlee since Day diet_bl_21! Due to certain factors things didn’t work out but as we all know, Kurtis is in the best home and Ashlee is saving dogs and
cats around the clock! She’s the girl behind the Priceless Pets Instagram and Facebook, always rallying for fosters, donations and whatever else Priceless Pets needs!

So next time you see Ashlee make sure you thank her for saving Kurtis because I couldn’t have done it without her!



  1. Very interesting John.

  2. Great read! Nice to know all that went into healing Baby K. Bless you all for the work you do.

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