You Can Never Say Never Without Saying It Twice

You Can Never Say Never Without Saying It Twice


Sorry for the lack of posts last week. It was quite an eventful week! I was involved in pulling 6 dogs from a high kill shelter and then took in a mama pup and her NINE puppies under my roof to give her a place to raise her puppies. I thought today I’d give you a “day in the life” of what one day last week was like and how we all work together at Priceless Pets to save these dogs….


I don’t even need an alarm anymore. I just wake up. Penny is like a teenager so she sleeps as long as she can. Elvis and I go to Jude’s room to let him out of his crate. I let Jude outside to do his thing while I prepare his breakfast. Right now, he’s eating nothing but boiled chicken and rice. It seems to be the only thing he’s not allergic to. As I’m preparing his meal, Elvis is licking his lips and looking at me like he wished he had allergies too!


I let Jude in. Wally and Elvis go out (Penny is still asleep). Jude now automatically sits and waits for his command to eat without me saying anything. His hair seems to be growing back and even more importantly, he’s learning some manners. After he’s done with his food, I take him for a walk.


I come back from the walk. Wally sees us coming up the street and starts doing his little “seal bark”. He knows it’s his turn for his walk/wagon ride. I walk inside and Penny is still asleep. My friend Natalie comes over because she wants to learn how to handle dogs. Penny hears her and FINALLY wakes up. We walk Penny, Elvis and Wally for about a mile and let them chase the ball.


I pick up Paige from her house. She’s all but 17 years old but there isn’t anyone I trust more with my dogs or my house. She knows exactly how everything runs at my house. Sometimes, better than I do! Not only is she a good family friend but she’s definitely worth every penny I pay her. However, today, we are going to a high kill shelter in Pomona to pull 6 dogs and take them back to Priceless Pets. We also have to take a senior Great Dane, Rocky, to the vet. There was blood in his urine. They are suspecting it’s cancer.


We eat a quick breakfast. During breakfast I get a text from Ashlee Price (Director of Communications for Priceless Pets) asking me to re-post a picture on Instagram to see if anyone can foster a mama and her 9 pups.


The dogs aren’t quite ready to be picked up so we run a couple errands. Lara Jenkins calls and asks if she can shoot some pictures of Jude. We have a few hours to kill so we head back home.


I get a group text saying that the mama and her pups need a home ASAP or they’re going to the pound. I look at my phone for about 10 seconds, look over at Paige and before I can say anything she says, “You know I’m gonna help you. I know puppies.” Guess I’m taking in 9 puppies and a mom!


Lara comes over with her two AMAZING kids. The sight of her son walking Jude and pulling his little sister in a wagon totally makes me day. She gets some AWESOME shots (as she always does) and is on her way.


The mama pup and her 9 puppies arrive. Poor thing looks confused and doesn’t know what’s going on. Her puppies are in a basket so she follows them into my house. Paige and I decide to name the mom, Lynda Carter (LC) aka Wonder Woman. We will name the pups after superheroes but we will wait until their personalities come out.


Paige’s mom, Terra, and her other daughter, Hope, come over to look after LC and her pups while we go pick up the dogs from the pound. I don’t think it has quite hit me that there are 14 dogs in my house.


We get to the pound. The dogs start coming out one by one. I cannot describe to you the look on a dog’s face when you pull them from certain death. It’s a feeling that no amount of money can buy. We load the dogs up and head back to Priceless Pets. Meanwhile, there are 14 dogs at my house….don’t think it’s hit me, yet.


We go to pick up, Rocky, on the way back. I can tell Paige is a little uneasy. She has a pretty close bond to this awesome Great Dane. She waits in the car with the pups while I go get Rocky. GOOD NEWS! It’s “only” a UTI. Rocky is cancer free! Paige is smiling again!


We get to Priceless Pets with 6 more dogs. “Operation Doggie Shuffle” is in full effect. The other volunteers there are so amazing. It takes us about 2 hours to get the dogs situated and the paperwork in order.


We get back to my house. Paige and I are both exhausted. I walk in the house and it finally hits me…I have 14 dogs in my house! Terra, Paige and Hope all help me get situated before they leave.


I give Wally and Jude their meds. I take Penny and Elvis for a walk just to soak everything in. Just like with Kurtis, I have no idea what I’m doing with this mom and pups. At that moment, I’m especially thankful for Priceless Pets and this opportunity. It feels good knowing I can call anyone there at any hour should I need anything for these dogs or just a “stupid question” answered. I look down at Penny and Elvis and I’m so happy I’ve been blessed with 2 amazing dogs who are so welcoming to all these dogs that come in and out of here. My anxiety has turned into peace. I can’t help but smile.


I get home from the walk. I go into the laundry room where LC and her pups are. I can tell she’s weary of me so I sit on the floor and just watch. I’m in complete awe at what’s going on. Never actually seen anything like this; I can’t believe this mom was abandoned and then so close to being put in the pound. After about an hour, she scoots her way over to me and nudges my arm. I pat her on the head and we both take a deep breath and sigh, almost at the same time. She knows she and her family is safe and I know I will make sure it stays that way.


I’ve done too much today and those sneaky post-concussion symptoms are letting me know. I’m dizzy, my head is pounding but at the same time, I’ve never been at such peace with myself. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Priceless Pets saved 15 dogs in less than 24 hours and I got to lend a helping hand in that.


It’s Friday night. Looks like I’m sleeping on the couch just to be closer to LC and her pups, just in case. Terra is bringing over a kiddie pool tomorrow and I’m too worried about one of the pups squeezing between the washer and dryer. I’m used to waking up on the couch on Saturday morning, only difference is I will actually wake up remembering what happened the night before instead of finding a receipt in my pocket with a ridiculous bar tab and looking through the texts in my phone to piece the night together.

When I got Penny, I swore I would never get another dog. Well, that was 13 dogs ago. I guess it just goes to show that you can never say never without saying it twice…



  1. This is one of my fav posts yet!!!!! Thank god for you and priceless pets rescue!!!!!

  2. Jes Michaud : July 25, 2014 at 7:00 am

    I’ve tried to form a few different sentences but what it all comes down to is you’re amazing! (:

  3. I love this post! Thank you so much for sharing a day in the life. I wish on a daily basis I could do all of this….but unfortunately I have a pesky job that gets in the way. I’m so thankful for you and everyone at Priceless Pets. Your work is awesome!

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