The Guns ‘n Roses Crew

The Guns ‘n Roses Crew

gnr_bl_mainI went and saw the puppies today. They made it through the night! They’re not in the clear yet but they’re getting there. Hopefully, they will be back with me by the end of this week. It’s been a long and trying week and it’s only Wednesday! The Guns ‘n Roses Crew is hanging in there and I can’t wait for them to come back to, Foster Farms!

So I got a call from a friend yesterday and she was asking me, “How do you stay so happy and upbeat?” “I would be a wreck.” Well, the short answer is, I am a wreck. It’s just that I made a promise to myself and any dog I’m fostering or working with that the only energy I would ever transfer to them is good energy. I know it sounds crazy to some of you but dogs feed off of that. And the worst thing you can do, especially with the parvo puppies, is to feed them negative energy.

And trust me, when I’m by myself, sometimes I’m a wreck. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve broke down and cried at a random stop light, hyper-ventilated in the shower and felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack. I second guess myself all the time. I wonder if I’m doing enough or if I’m doing too much. Is this dog really going to recover? What if I mess up? But that’s when I’m by myself. Once I’m with the dogs, I leave those feelings in the car, shower or wherever it was when I had my moment. A dog will always give you their best and they are the most honest being you will ever encounter. As a gesture of respect to them, I will not bring them down with me.

gnr_bl_2These dogs have been through enough. They don’t need my negative energy or my sulking. They need me to be upbeat. They need to “feel” that it’s going to be ok. I save my negative feelings for myself. It’s the least I can do for these dogs. It’s hard not to get emotionally invested in these animals and if you’re not, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons.

And it’s because of these dogs, I’ve learned to surround myself with positive people. People who genuinely have a respect for living breathing things, people who care about people’s feelings. These are the same people who help me on my bad days and the best part of it is, they don’t even know they’re doing it. So while I do have my moments of uncertainty, doubt and sadness, it is for short amount of time. I used to be ashamed of it and embarrassed but I’m realizing I need to do that from time to time.

I’m going to use this time away from the puppies to recharge my batteries and get ready for them to come back because when they come back, I won’t have time to think about anything else other than getting them better and finding their forever homes.

You can still donate to the GnR Crew and help them recover from Parvo. Go to ! Every dollar counts. And if you can’t donate you can always just share the page!



  1. Bless you all. Prayers are with the puppies and everyone taking round the clock care of them. John ~ as always, thank you for your inspiring post.

  2. Prayers for those adorable pups and sending good vibes your way and that you continue to have the strength to continue to do all this good!

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