Finding Your Rainbow After Loss

Finding Your Rainbow After Loss

fyr_bl_1Hey everyone! Today, I want to share something different. After being on social media quite a bit and being an advocate for “pit bulls” I feel like the outside world sees us as crazy people who live, eat and breathe everything “pit bull” related. Which is true to a point but we are also “regular” people.

I want you all to meet, Randi Gehring. She was one of first followers ever when we started up on social media. She has followed our journey and been there through our growth and since we followed her back we also did the same!

Just recently, her and her husband lost their baby after carrying their child for 19 weeks. She decided to share her struggle and journey with everyone and started a blog about it.

With the support of her husband, friends, family and of course her dog, Russell. She’s been able to move forward every day, even if it’s at a snail’s pace.

Please check out her blog and share it with someone who may be going through something similar.

We believe that helping dogs is helping people. And Randi is definitely helping people.

Thank you, Randi!!
