
Jan 2015
Who I Won’t Foster

Now that I have about a year of fostering experience under my belt I’ve come to realize that I don’t want to foster the “perfect dog”. There is no room here for that kind of dog in my house. You know, the pretty one who doesn’t bark that everyone likes. You know the dog that gets along with every dog that just happened to be dumped at the pound only because their previous owner sucked. Those dogs are not welcome here. Those dogs need to be at Priceless Pets because that’s where......

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Nov 2014
Third Time's A Charm! - Dear Ziggy,

This is the first time I’m writing a letter to a former foster for the 2nd time. The first letter I wrote to Ziggy never felt right and for good reason. Anyways, Ziggy has found his forever home and I can assure you he’s not coming back. Here’s my redo letter… Dear Ziggy, The first time I adopted you out, I was walking one way and your new family was walking the opposite way. You started to walk towards my direction. It kind of made me doublethink my decision on your new......

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Oct 2014
Dear Ziggy,

After a tough month, I ended it by adopting out another foster by the name of, Ziggy. With losing so many dogs in September, I don’t know that anyone would blame me for walking away from animal rescue. With all the words of support and encouragement from SO many people that kept my head up, it was the snorting and tail wagging of my foster Ziggy that kept my motor running. He made me realize that even though we don’t get to choose how long these animals live, we can choose what......

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Sep 2014
Ziggy the Piggy

Somewhere in the midst of trying to keep our precious Portland alive on Sunday, a dog showed up to the vet office where we doing a Priceless Pet Rescue spay/neuter clinic. I was in the back isolation room holding Portland when Ashlee told me there was a “pit bull” in pretty bad shape out front that she wanted to me to look at.  I handed Portland over to Lisa, cleaned up and went to go check this dog out. I come out to the front and there was this dog lying in......

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