Not Everyone is Born a Leader… I’m Scared of Spiders!

Not Everyone is Born a Leader... I'm Scared of Spiders!

spiders_bl_mainI’m terrified of spiders. In fact, when I see one I either run away or I smash it. Not because I hate the spider but because I’m scared. Other people who aren’t afraid of spiders either laugh at me or think something is wrong with me but nobody labels me “aggressive” or a threat to society.

You see, me running away or killing the spider is the outcome. It’s not the problem. The same theory goes for dogs. Aggression does not equal “mean”, “dangerous” or the word I hear all the time “alpha”. Most dogs are not alpha, mean or dangerous. In fact, many households do not have an alpha in the pack. Many dogs are scared, insecure and put in a position to lead when they were not meant to so they react. They don’t sit and analyze the situation.

It’s our job to lead our dogs through life and to teach them appropriate ways to act. Big dogs, especially “pit bulls”, are not allowed to be scared. They are allowed to be friendly or mean and nothing in between. We assess them as aggressive or “alpha” when in reality it’s the opposite. In turn we label them and they never have a chance.

spiders_bl_2I used to think Penny was my alpha for the longest time and come to find out I was way off. When Fletcher met Snack Pak I thought he hated him. Turns out he was just terrified of the guy so I integrated them slowly and now they are laying in my beautiful dirt yard together!

Get to know your dogs. If you can define who they are you have half the battle won.



  1. Kris V. Bernard : May 5, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    Oh my goodness, the Wally photo with your lady’s daughter = incredible. Both smiling!

    You have a wonderful home.

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